Episode 133

The Root Cause Of Disease | Ayurveda For Mental Health Part 2 |

Episode Topics

  • Real Ayurveda For Mental Health
  • 50% off Sale on our Ayurveda | Dosha Fundamentals Online Course until June 26
  • The root cause of disease according to Charaka
  • Imbalance between you and your environment
  • Loka Purusha Vaisamya (Sanskrit)
  • Purusha is your inner strength, your consciousness, in Sanskrit
  • The more out of balance you are, according to Ayurveda, the more you crave what keeps you out of balance
  • If you are not content with your life at least 80% of the time, Ayurveda says you need to make changes
  • To help your mental state, at the end of every day, take inventory of your day
  • Did you make the most our of your day?
  • Are you content with the way you controlled your emotions and your thoughts?
  • Could you have done better in terms of your behavior?
  • 50% off Sale on our Ayurveda | Dosha Fundamentals Online Course until June 26
  • Dr R. H. Singh's books on Amazon
  • Email us your feedback and any questions you may have at: ask.tim.and.vie@gmail.com
  • May we all be well, adapt and thrive! - Tim and Vie

Other Resources

This series is brought to you by Yoga Energy School. It can be found at http://YogaEnergy.com

Yoga Energy School is offering Private Online "Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy" Yoga Alliance registered 200-hr and 300-hr teacher trainings and continuing education courses. They can be found at http://YogaEnergy.com

Find us on Rumble at: https://rumble.com/c/yogaenergy

Find us on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/c/AskTimAndVie

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May we all be well, adapt and thrive! - Tim and Vie


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The Spartan mind strength podcast the podcast

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for mental grit and resilience

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hosted by Vie Binga and Tim Ganley

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Hello, this is Tim. And this is Vie, and we welcome you

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to another episode of the spartan mind strength podcast.

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And what's today's podcast on ayurveda

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for mental health sweet now tell me

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before we go into it. What is

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our sale our sale is on our

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ayurveda Dosha fundamentals course. It's one of our

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most popular online courses and

the sale goes on from when this

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podcast is out, which is the 16th. Yes until

June 26th, and it's

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half price 50% off 50% off.

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So it's 62 dollars 45 cents.

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And what do they get with it? You can

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start it anytime you can finish it anytime you get

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yoga alliance ceu's you can email us any

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questions you have but the most important thing is

that you start on your

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way of learning

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ayurveda in the real sense

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of ayurveda as charaka was intending

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it to be so no woo-woo-ness in

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this course and you can apply to

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yourself right away. You can actually

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start the course and as you're going

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through the course, you can start making changes in

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your everyday life to be

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on your way of being a great

ayurvedic practitioner practitioner.

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Very nice. Okay, we will be right back

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to go over ayurveda and mental health

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stay tuned.

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And we're back. So we're back to talk about

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how ayurveda looks at mental health.

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So this is a look

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at ayurveda, but it's not just ayurveda. This is a look at

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how the original ayurvedic

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concept texts yeah talked about it. So this

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comes from characa. Yes, did I pronounce that

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Right? Yes. I know. I always bastardize his name. So Charaka the

original ayurvedic physician. Yeah,

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and it also comes from Dr. Singh.

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Yes, who you trained with for for quite

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a while Yes at Mount Madonna Institute. So

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who's Dr. Singh real quick doctor Singh is

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one of the very few activated professors

who still teaches following

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Charaka Samhita following

the book the text that

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charaka wrote and he has

done a tremendous amount of research compared

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to other professors. On

ayurveda, actually showing that

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what charaka was saying works today

Okay, so and

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we'll list some of his books that he's

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written in the podcast

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the show notes Yes definitely So so this

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doesn't come from just out of

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your ass. You actually you actually neither my ass.

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Nor yours. Yes, definitely not mine. So this

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is information that comes from

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the original ayurveda. Exactly. Okay.

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I just wanted to get that through before we start

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talking that this is documented. Yes. This

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is documented and verified. Okay, so

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tell me how does Charaka

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talk about

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Mental Health

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characa says that disease happens

due to

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lack of balance due to

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imbalance between the person and

their environment and there's a

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fancy Sanskrit word for that. Yes. The expression that

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charaka uses is loka purusha vaisamya

and that means vaisamya

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means imbalance lack of

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balance. Okay, Loka means environment

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loka loka. Yes Shakira sings

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a song about that. Yeah. That's a good song

purusha purusha It's

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very interesting that charaka refers

to the person as

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purusha because purusha is also

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the word for God.

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What charaka wants to say is that

when there is lack of balance between

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you as

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your Consciousness you as

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your own God you you as your own God because

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even Christianity says that God is within

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us God is within us. Yes.

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When there is lack of balance between you as

your own tiny little

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God and your environment bad things

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happen now. No, I

don't want

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people to think. Oh my God, I'm screwed. Right

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there are always things. I don't like people I don't

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like foods I shouldn't be eating things I shouldn't

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be doing. But just because you don't like somebody doesn't mean that's

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an imbalance. That means you're probably balanced because you're saying

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oh s***. I don't want to be near that person. Exactly, exactly.

I have that many times. Yes, so

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that's the thing.

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Also also what is

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lack of balance right when


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also says that when you are relatively

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balanced you can tell what's

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not good for you.

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And what's what's good for you. You can

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tell that but when you are out of

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balance, you cannot. So the whole

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concept that the people say, oh, you know what

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you're your body will tell you what you like exactly only

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is true if you are balanced exactly. So all these

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people that are eating crap because they think

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that that's what their body's saying if they're out of

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balance their body is just literally trying to get them more out of balance

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exactly. Or the people that do

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the yoga practice that all it does is

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aggravate their Vata Dosha,

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right? So that's that's not being

balanced. That's not knowing What's

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good for you. So so it's

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it's a fine line right when there

is lack of balance between you

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as your own little God and your environment

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disease can happen. But how can you

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tell when there is that lack of balance right

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when you are out of balance, you are not

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your own little purusha anymore.

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Right. You are your own little devil. the Consciousness. Yes.

The Consciousness cannot manifest

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Does that make sense? we are our

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own little God. We have God within us

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right our Consciousness. Our strength

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is within us but when we are so screwed up

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that our own little Consciousness cannot

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manifest itself, then what happens

you are in a vicious

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the fine line, so can you

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tell when that is switching or okay. So

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how is that so? You like that

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how is that so, we have

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the answer right the meaning of life, not that I didn't know

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that the meaning of life is about to manifest

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if you are not

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happy if you are not content

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80% of the time in

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your daily life. If you are

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not content 80% of the time at

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least 80% of the time in your own

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daily life so it can be 100% it can be.

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But pretty usually not. Yeah, if

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you're not content because I'm about a hundred percent content. Yes,

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we are talking about regular people. Oh

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Not Perfection. Yeah, right. If you are

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not content at least 80% of the

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time in your daily life.

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Then your

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little purusha your deep down Consciousness is

not manifesting itself.

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Then there are things ayurveda

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says charaka would say you need

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to address.

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Okay, characa says that you should

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be content most of the time and that's

where we are going with the 80/20.

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Yeah, because 8020 has always been a good number exactly.

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Exactly. Charaka doesn't say 80/20.

That's that's us.

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So you did pull that out of your ass that came out

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of my yes the 80/20

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but that is true yes, that's so

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if I'm not happy or content because

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happiness is different than content content. If I'm

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not content most of the day and night

then my body is or

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my mind or my whatever is

off-kilter. Exactly and there's

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a good chance I would be then sabotaging

myself with that off-kilter exactly.

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You would be sabotaging yourself long-term Should

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you continue in that path. Okay.

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So that's that's something that you want to look at

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in a day every day. Exactly

every day. I know that they talk about

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in the morning Some people say you should write notes and

stuff but or the night before

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but that is something that they could do is at

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the end of the night. How content was I

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today exactly. So instead of writing notes about blah

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blah blah. How content was I today

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exactly and

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Can I be more content tomorrow exactly? That's

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the idea that we can always become

healthier and healthier mentally

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physically and otherwise

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emotionally and emotionally as we

go so we're not

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perfect the way we're so we are not perfect the way

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we are that's number one and number

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two is

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Things don't start going South as you

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age. Yep, that's the other misconception so

we can become older and

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happier more or more

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content day by day. We can also

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become older and stronger exactly we can become older

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and more mobile exactly we can become older and this

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one is should be it's smarter exactly smarter. Yes.

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So every day working on

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something to become better is a

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good thing. Is a good thing. There are there are...

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Freyja, Tim & Vie

We have been enjoying the sensible vices of cigars, coffee, tequila and whiskey for many years...